The one reason you should never take that job

I firmly believe the most challenging part of being a nurse is the job hiring process. Figuring out what is a good fit and what is not. I’ve talked about it before in a previous post:

2 simple things to finding the perfect nursing job

Friendly advice will only get you so far. Maybe it’s good ole fashion luck or just being in the right place at the right time?

I know many of the jobs that I’ve worked, I just got lucky. The timing of my hire did matter in the grander scheme of things. The opportunity and job availability just would not have been there, had I applied for the same job months prior or even years earlier. Yep, I consider myself a lucky dude.

But even with luck on my side, there is one recurring theme that is a HUGE red flag in my book when paring down your decision. Everyone should be making a Pro’s and Con’s list of a potential job. You should also make a priority list of what you can do without and what absolutely has to be present when you take the position. Both of those lists will vary depending on the job, your experience and what is going on in your life at that time.

Ten years ago the shift didn’t matter to me. I could work days, nights, weekends. These days I am unable to work nights for personal (private) reasons. So if I had to leave my current job, the next job I would be looking for would have to be a shift that is not overnight.

I think you get the point.

No matter what is on your list and no matter what you list as a priority there is still one thing that should not be the tipping point on your decision to pursue a job.


Never take a job because of money. Ever. Never. I mean ever.

You see, the money will never be enough. No matter what stage of the game you are playing. Whether you’re just starting this journey, or you’re clocking in year 20. The money will never be enough. Ever.
Do we work for free? Hell no. That’s not what I’m saying. We’ve all earned our place. We all want to make more. We worked hard for this education, training and time in grade. But the bills will always be there. The debt will always be there. And quite honestly, overtime comes and goes.
But if you sacrifice other areas of your happiness for a fatter paycheck, you’re going to be very disappointed eventually. I’ve taken two jobs in my career that were based on a higher pay grade. One was for a separate company, and one was with my then current employer.
Each time, the job and the money felt GREAT in my pocket initially. But after the honeymoon period was over, the money couldn’t buy my sanity back.

I was unhappy because of the drive, the co-workers, the employer policies, the lack of staffing, the lack of staff support, the lack of camaraderie, the overbearing providers, the stupid shifts, the long hours, the unsafe assignments, the lack of consistent hours, the flip-flop schedule, the negative Nancy’s and negative Nellie’s at work, the unmotivated coworkers I kept cleaning up after, the crappy benefits, the unending committees and of course the lack of respect to name a few.


Did I miss anything?

The money will eventually run out. It always does.

Find the things that make you happy at your job and focus on those things. Make a list of must-haves and stick to that list. The must-haves will change over time based on your experience and life needs. But stick to your guns and make those must-haves a priority. Always.

You’ll thank me later.





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The views and opinions expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are that of myself and not of any educational institution. In compliance with HIPAA and to ensure patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all content have been deleted and/or altered. The views expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are personal opinions only, not intended as medical advice. The information I present is for general knowledge purposes only.


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2 simple things to finding the perfect nursing job

Over the years I’ve had many nurses ask a repeated question:

“How do I know this is the best job for me?”

We all enter this profession bright-eyed and bushy-tailed thinking we’re going to change the world. Then we crawl through nursing school and realize it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are some mean and nasty nurses out there that just want to see the world burn.

I don’t know about you but that first (or next) job prospect is a doozy. We have no idea what we want, don’t want, need, don’t need. We base our decisions on past experiences (nurse & non-nurse related), suggestions from our peers and good ole’ fashion personal inquiry. There is no shortage of people (nurses and non-nurses) trying to tell you what you should or should not do and what job you should or should not take.

“Do it for the money”

“The shifts are great, no nights!”

“Get your experience”

So many times we’ve heard horror stories about the job interview that was perfect, the unit director who was so nice and the staff who were so darn cool. Then you get through orientation and once the “honeymoon period” ends… sybil happens.

Yeah, it’s as if your co-workers have multiple personalities. The place goes from a happy carnival to a page right out of a horror movie. All of a sudden those mean and nasty nurses and coworkers that you heard about are swiping the same time clock as you. WTF.

How do you avoid this? How do you know if a job will “turn” on ya? There are two things that matter.

The first thing that matters the most when interviewing for a job is the job shadow. I mean a full-shift job shadow (if possible). Follow in the nurses footsteps – literally. And do it with multiple nurses on different shifts. Walk with them everywhere you can go. Wear a pair of scrubs. Follow the nurse when their patient goes to x-ray. Follow them down to CT scan. Follow them on lunch.

Observe them interacting with other nurses, with other non-nurses, with the providers, with the supervisors. Are there students, how do they treat the students? Talk to the students privately. How do they treat others? How do neighboring nursing units treat each other? Do you notice any cliques? Is there a lot of gossiping? Remember gossip is bullying. Gossip is passive aggressive behavior disguised in self-fulfilling humor. Laughing at the expense of another person is bullying. Period.

The second thing that matters with workplace dynamics is the staff mix. The experience level and age mix. How balanced is it? Do you have both young and aged nurses (yes I’m talking about how old they actually are)? Do you have new and seasoned nurses (to the nursing profession)? Do you have new and seasoned nurses (specific to the nursing unit of interest)?
If at all possible never work for a nursing unit that has:

• All younger aged nurses
• All older aged nurses
• All new nurses to the unit
• All nurses who’ve worked an entire career there.
• All new grads
• All seasoned nurses needing to retire

Notice a pattern above? Yes, all the extremes and no balance. They don’t deal with change well. Ever. And it’s one of the worst environments to grow as a professional. This place will teach you nothing. Well, it will teach you one thing, where not to work.

Find balance. Find balance and you’ll find a place to grow, a place to learn and a place you’ll want to work.

Until next time…


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The views and opinions expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are that of myself and not of any educational institution. In compliance with HIPAA and to ensure patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all content have been deleted and/or altered. The views expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are personal opinions only, not intended as medical advice. The information I present is for general knowledge purposes only.
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10 interview tips for success for the new grad nurse

“Any tips for a new grad to stand out in an interview?”

I got 10 tips:

1. Dress for success
2. Research the company
3. Plan your travels – anticipate delays
4. Practice the expected questions
5. Bring an extra copy of your resume/CV
6. Sell yourself – promote what you bring to the table
7. Have questions to ask
8. Ask for business cards – take notes: bring a portfolio
9. When will they decide? who will contact you and when?
10. ALWAYS follow up with a thank you letter/card



Until next time…

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The views and opinions expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are that of myself and not of any educational institution. In compliance with HIPAA and to ensure patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all content have been deleted and/or altered. The views expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are personal opinions only, not intended as medical advice. The information I present is for general knowledge purposes only.

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How can a new grad get hired into a specialty area?

What if you don’t want to work medsurg when you graduate from nursing? What if you want to work in a specialty area? What if you want to work L&D? OB? ED? ICU? OR? PACU?

We all know hiring new graduate nurses into these areas is tough because these areas usually want a nurse with prior staff nurse experience. I thought I’d give you five tips that might help you get a leg up:

1. Find out the details. Don’t believe rumors.
2. Request a personal one-on-one conversation with the manager.
3. What do you have that they need?
4. Do whatever it takes.
5. Be OK with not getting what you want.



Until next time…

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When should nursing students apply for jobs?

As a senior nursing student, you’re gonna have to decide when to start submitting those applications. I mention the following:

• When to apply
• What about references?
• What to include on your resume
• What about my experience?
• How to stand out

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Until next time…

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