How does a nurse get over the pre-shift anxiety?

Do you get nervous before you start your shift? Or worried? Maybe some elevated stress levels?

Yep. It’s a real thing.

Here are three things I do to help reduce my anxiety before a shift:

1. Remember your why
2. Celebrate your wins – every day
3. … (gonna have to watch the video!)

P.S. The anxiety never goes away… you just get better.

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The views and opinions expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are that of myself and not of any educational institution. In compliance with HIPAA and to ensure patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all content have been deleted and/or altered. The views expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are personal opinions only, not intended as medical advice. The information I present is for general knowledge purposes only.


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Student group projects: What do you do when no one is helping?

The bane of all nursing student’s existence: GROUP PROJECTS. Every nursing student has a horror story to share. We’ve all been there. We’ve all been there SO much that most group projects have predictable outcomes with predictable roles!

We all have that ONE person that doesn’t do their part. Did ya ever notice all group projects consist of the same players:

1. The type A go-getter
2. The reliable team player
3. The minimalist avoider

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What do you do when someone isn’t pulling their weight? Here are some tips:

1. Be professional. No finger pointing.
2. The two strike rule. Do not wait.
3. Address the problem as a group.
4. Create a paper trail. Have proof of validation.
5. Take an active role in your education
6. Develop your team building skills

Group projects really have very little to do with the actual project, it’s about developing team building skills. How well do you work with others? How do you deal with difficult people? No matter how rotten this experience may be. And how quickly you just want to move onto the next thing, but so you think this will be the last time you deal with someone or something like this…? Nope.




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The views and opinions expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are that of myself and not of any educational institution. In compliance with HIPAA and to ensure patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all content have been deleted and/or altered. The views expressed on this website and/or in the videos on this channel are personal opinions only, not intended as medical advice. The information I present is for general knowledge purposes only.
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Have there been moments you didn’t want to be a nurse?

What about nurses who no longer wanted to be a nurse? Those who thought about quitting the profession altogether after some disappointments and difficulty adjusting in the workplace?How do you deal with it? How do you tackle that obstacle? Is it normal for nurses to not want to be nurses at times?

I dive into the ins-and-outs of this polarizing topic.


Until next time…

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